Monday, January 4, 2016

rhiannon Giddens on Racisim

Rhiannon Giddens, too, braced herself for backlash when she released the fierce gospel song “Cry No More” a month after Charleston.
“There’s such a backlash against even trying to talk about race,” said Giddens, the singer for the Durham-based African-American folk band the Carolina Chocolate Drops. “There’s an automatic kickback from the white community: ‘Oh, it’s not me; I’m not racist.’ Sometimes in the black community, there’s an overcorrection that’s too aggressive. We can’t even talk about it in conversation.”
But since premiering on, Giddens’ striking video, filmed in a single take in a Greensboro church, has had more than 50,000 views.
“I thought a million trolls were going to come out of the woodwork,” she said. “But it got such a positive, powerful response. Even if that’s all it did – if one person just went, ‘Gosh, let me think about this some more. What else can I do?’ – that’s what we’re here for. That’s what musicians are here for.”

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