Saturday, April 14, 2018

In the Studio: AHMAD JAMAL Part Two

I have summerize the two studio conversations finding a lot of truth 
" You can't be a great musician without character.
"We are receiving vessels; we don't create"
"If you want to be anything prepare yourself with options: If a fire breaks out and you 
have only one door you may get trampled."
"You have options with education"
"There are some negatives in the institution of higher learning but there are enough postiive
things there to risk going to college.  Its a very good risk not a bad one. If you get bogged down in one area your fustration won't end up in a disaster. You can be in a place cause you want to be not because you have to be. That's very important to be somewhere cause you want to be as oppose of having to be. A lot of artist are lost because of fustration and disappointment. No gain without some
pain. You can withstand much more if you have options."

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